Wednesday, August 27, 2014

L a k e T a h o e

          So i know i promised last time that i would be posting about my love for thrift shopping, and i promise that i will, but really fast i just have to post about my family trip to Lake Tahoe.  This trip is always by far my favorite one, for about a million reasons.  I don't think there is anywhere more beautiful than Lake Tahoe, and no where really means more than there either.  My family has always loved to travel together and make memories, so growing up, my family and our whole extended family as well would always pack up the cars and drive down to Lake Tahoe.  It kind of turned into a tradition a long time ago when my dad and his siblings would go down there growing up as well, and stay in the most beautiful condos right on the lake.  So, in order to keep the tradition alive, we too have always stayed in these same condos, and i really couldn't imagine it another way.  There is something so amazing about Lake Tahoe, and the way we all feel when were there.  It really is like coming home- everything is so familiar and warm and it really is a place filled with love.  Its amazing to reminisce on old memories of growing up, and making new memories as a family.  I introduced JP to Lake Tahoe a couple years back right when we started dating, and he will tell you the same thing... there is just 'something' about LT.  While we're there we spend most of our time outside, boating around the lake and enjoying the most amazing scenery.  The water is always freezing, but seriously the most crystal clear blue water you will every lay your eyes on.  You can't help but practically live in it!  We fish for crawdads using way gross hot dogs, and scream every time they almost pinch us hahaha.  But that's just because we are all little girls...We go bike riding along the Truckee River, and hiking in the surrounding mountains, and it really is so refreshing to be able to connect with nature there.  If you asked any member of my family what our favorite thing about Lake Tahoe is, they would all tell you that its the s m e l l  of it that sets it apart from any other place!  I seriously wait for it every year... try and picture it if you can: A twelve hour car ride through mostly nothing but dirt and dead grass, and you finally come upon a canyon.  You know that everything good and lovely is just over the other side, and once you finally reach the peak, you roll down your window and your lungs are filled with the sweetest of sweet air! your hair is blowing in the wind and the sound that it makes brushing by your face and flailing out behind is innocent, and the air smells clean like pine trees and happiness- yes the air literally smells of happiness.  That is the only way i can describe it, and then you know, you're home. Here are some pics, enjoy!

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