Tuesday, October 21, 2014

S U N -----> V A L L E Y

          hi, its been a while! i thought i should do a little catch up posting, and so that includes a fun trip me and jp took with our friends to Sun Valley at the end of the summer. I love to explore new places and to see things that i have never seen before.  i love to feel like every day holds something that i didn't know before that, and going out of town is the best way for me to feel that! One of my best friends owns a house up in Sun Valley, so a few of us decided we would tag along with them up there to have a little bit of last summer adventure! 
          First day there, was nothing short of perfect.  We went to the yummiest little breakfast nook and explored the main parts of town, taking in the sites and most famous parts of sun valley.  I was absolutely blown away by how incredibly beautiful up there it was!  The air is some of the cleanest and purest i have breathed in a long time. much needed... That night we went to these natural hot pots, and seriously visiting hot pots like these is one of my very favorite hobbies.  There is something so relaxing about lounging in pure minerals surrounded by tall trees and silence that just makes you never want to leave.  So it was a little bit scary but also really fun to be there at night because it was PITCH black, and i mean that... literally so dark, could not see a thing in front of you.
          The next day we went to a parade!  I'm not quite sure what it was called, but its equivalent to Utah's 24th of July... so needless to say everyone and their dogs (literally there may have been more dogs than there were people) were at this parade.  it was so much fun getting to see how much people who live their really love their town.  The people there were so nice, and offered us free food and drinks just because... it doesn't get much better than that! after we had paraded all morning, we went fishing in the river that runs right through town.  We spent the whole afternoon there catching no fish and daring each other to get into the freeeeezing cold water.  Eventually we all made it in! by the end of it all, our legs were numb for sure. that night we went swimming, ate more pizza than we should have, and went to the cutest old time theater that has been turned into a movie theater.  It was so cute and so much fun to see!
          On our last day there, we played it really low key, just trying to soak in our last day of freedom from all things stressful and crazy at home.  we went walking through the mountains and headed back up to the hot springs for one last soak before returning to reality.  It really was the perfect weekend getaway, and we can't wait to get back there and do it all over again! if you have never been up there, i really encourage you all to go see for yourself how beautiful it is there, you will love it! 
enjoy some pictures!

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