Friday, July 18, 2014

little bits about me.

          Let's get to know each other! My name is Julie and I am super new to this blogging thing.  I think I am going to like it a lot once i am able to better get my thoughts together.  Let me tell you a little bit about me.  I am married to possibly the worlds most handsome man... he is insane and I have to introduce you to him. His name is JP, and I about die every time I lay my eyes on him!  I just turned 22 and he threw me a surprise party for me with all our friends to celebrate! Mostly he just spoiled me rotten all weekend long (and all the time, really) and we even got to watch some fireworks to top off the night! I'm so lucky.  I am about to graduate from the Utah College of Dental Hygiene and am going to become a dental hygienist just this next month! I cannot wait to be done with college and get back to enjoying the sweet life! It has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but it will totally pay off! 
          Also coming up next month is mine and JP's one year wedding anniversary!! I cannot BELIEVE it has gone so fast, and it seriously has been the best year of my life. I found the best guy.  really.  In honor of our one year anniversary, i am going to post some of our engagement pictures, bridals, and really just all of our wedding pictures because i love them all!  Jessica Janae Photography is amazing and took some killer wedding pics for us. I love her photo skills, and anyone and everyone looking for a photographer should look her up.  trust me.
          Okay, a little bit more about me, just so that we can really be friends... I love people.  I love meeting as many people as i can, and not just meeting people, but really knowing people.  I love the feeling of being able to truly know someone, and what they need.  I love friends, and try to make as many as I can.  Okay, no making fun, but i really do this:  I somehow find friends from all over the world, and talk with them through facebook.  It has really become one of my favorite things to do.  It has taken pen palling to a whole nother level. You should really try it! I have met some amazing people through instagram and talking with them through facebook. So, yes... I LOVE people.  all of them.
          I love outside. Our Utah mountains? are unreal.  so serious they are beautiful and amazing to hike in. One of mine and JP's favorite thing to do is to go exploring in the mountains.  It is amazing to see what beautiful things you will find up there.  So that's another thing, we love to hike and be outdoors.  I'm always begging jp to go on adventures, (and he always takes me) and those times are some of our favorite times.  I love the wind, mostly because i feel like it brings in the new and gets rid of the old.  It brings change, and I like that.  Also, next time its windy, just stop. . . . and really listen to the sounds the wind makes. I think you will gain a new appreciation for it...
          Taking pictures is an obsession of mine.  I love memories. I scroll and scroll and scroll through all of my pictures way too often.  but i just can't help it!  i just love to document the fun times, and the happiest times, so that i can always remember them.  but, i'm sure sometimes i go a little over board.
          Okay, okay, this is probably enough for my first post. Check back soon, i'm thinking my next post will be the whole story of me and my jp. So, if you are into that sort of thing, don't go too far.  And i PROMISE it's a good story that will probably have you laughing.  Here are those pics i promised up above^^^. So good to meet you!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I found this blog! I'm excited to get to know you better. And I have to agree about your husband. He is almost as beautiful as you are!
